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I Went to the Opera and It Was Not What I Was Expecting

Excuse me while I have a total SVDW moment here… Ok, I’m back! A few weeks ago I attended my first opera performance and it was like nothing I had expected.

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

Needle & Thread Dress. J. Crew Tweed CoatJewel Buckle Satin Mary Janes & Gem Hoop Earrings. Gucci Gemstone Ring. Mary Frances Clutch (old)
Hair & Makeup: Lindsey Regan Thorne & Be Pretty Charlotte

When I was first approached about going to the opera I had mixed feelings followed by lots of questions. Would I understand it? Would I like the story? What the heck does one wear to the opera? Do people still dress up or has it, like all other things, become so casual that jeans are accepted? Without a single answer, I decided to accept the partnership and attend La Boheme put on by Opera Carolina at the Belk Theatre here in Charlotte. The partnership, with Opera Carolina and Scoop Charlotte, was to help write an article on What to Wear to the Opera. This was a bit ironic because I initially had no idea what to wear. After doing endless research on opera etiquette and searching for what to wear, I came up empty.  So, as a service to you and anyone else googling “What to wear to the opera” I wanted to put together my own guide + details on what I wore and saw.

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to Wear to the Opera

In my mind, I was going to have a total Pretty Woman moment and get all glammed up, put on a fancy dress and head out for a night of sophistication and performing arts, sans the tiny opera glasses. Sadly, I couldn’t convince my husband to go so there was no handsome man layering fine jewels around my neck. It’s also pretty sad that all I really knew about the opera was what I had seen in a brief scene of Pretty Woman. As silly as it was, it was all I had so I went with it and chose to go more elegant and formal in my attire. I do think one can be overdressed. However, I would rather be overdressed than underdressed for any occasion so I began searching the internet for formal gowns that were appropriate but not too much.

Let me tell you, this was not an easy search. There are tons of gowns out there, but by the time I filtered out the ones that were too formal, ones that cater to a much older (think mother of the bride) or younger audience (prom), and ones that were way outside my price range, I was left with very few that actually appealed to my style & taste. Thanks to great fashion search sites like Shop Style, I was able to find the perfect dress. It was long, formal, not black or red, feminine and SO me.

I had to wear double Spanx to squeeze into the tiny UK sizing,

but otherwise, it was exactly what I was looking for.

Because the dress made so much of a statement on its own, I kept the accessories pretty simple. My satin mules are so gorg and so comfy. They were perfect for walking to and from the theater. My favorite tweed coat from earlier this season matched perfectly and added just the right amount of texture. Jewel hoop earrings, a box clutch, and a low pony kept everything sleek while offering the perfect finishing touches. I was skeptical about how the dress would look on me after I pulled it out of the box, but once everything was put together, it was perfect!

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

Opera Etiquette

Opera etiquette is pretty much the same as all other performing arts. However, there are a few things I felt I should mention because I was either a victim or offender of almost all of them. It should go without saying, but be on time. When attending, you want to plan ahead so you are seated on-time if not 15 minutes early. Opera performances usually begin when they say they will and since will-call, valet and concession lines can be long, you want to allow ample time to get through them so you are not disruptive to the actors or other attendees by stumbling in late.

If you must leave early, wait til intermission. There are typically 4 acts and there will be a good intermission halfway through. However, if an emergency strikes, there are times when the curtain is drawn for set changes. Those are also good times to slip out as there is no actual performance going on at that time. It could still be disruptive to those around you, but in those situations, you do what you must.

Applause is welcomed but only at the right time. As a newbie, I waited for the rest of the audience to clap and joined in.

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

Other Observations & Tips

There were subtitles! Praise be, there were subtitles! I should have known there would be but I honestly expected to sit there and have to make up a story in my head to get through it because the only words I know in Italian are food. I was really excited when I saw this because I was able to follow the real story and truly appreciate the performance. If the fear of a language barrier was your reason for not attending the opera, then this is good news for you.

Eat before if you can. While I chose not to eat before due to the lack of room in my dress and the double layer of Spanx, I was definitely hungry. There are drinks available for purchase, but no food. Unless you want to eat after the performance, I recommend grabbing a light dinner or a snack beforehand.

Gowns are not required but I highly recommend them. There are very few occasions that call for such a high dress code. I really enjoyed the opportunity to get dressed up, wear a fancy dress, and put myself together. I paid close attention to what others were wearing and saw a variety of things. Some women were wearing long dresses and fur coats while others were wearing nice pants with a blouse and jacket. Some ladies were wearing work attire sheath dresses with pumps. The men all wore suits with ties, but no tuxedos. From my observations, I gathered there is no set dress code. To be safe, I would go with a minimum of professional dress or higher. Although I was one of a few that went higher, it didn’t stick our or feel uncomfortable. If you’re taking a night out with friends or a date, go ahead and get glammed up. If you look good, you feel good.

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

Have you been to the opera or any performance lately? Charlotte has so much to offer, I’d love to go to more. If you have any recommendations or questions about something I didn’t cover, please leave them in the comments!

xo, Taylor

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

What to wear to the Opera - Reese's Hardwear

all photos Christina Hussey Photography


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  1. Sandra R says

    Great article. Thank you for the tips! I plan to go soon and can’t wait. I agree about dressing up! Why not?! Absolutely! You look simply marvelous darling 🙂

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