Happy Monday y’all! I recently learned that September is self-care and wellness month and that got me even more excited for today’s post. I have been planning this post for a while now but put it off because Olaplex recently came out with a new product: No. 0, so it actually worked out quite well for me. I’ve been addicted to the Olaplex Hair Care System since my postpartum hair loss in early 2019 and got even more serious about hair health and recovery after my already fragile hair was ravaged by extensions. If you’re considering hair extensions you can read about my process and the hair I used in this post & how I felt after I got them out / how they affected my hair in this post. I’ve tried many other products but keep coming back to the Olaplex Hair Care system. I’ve used almost every product they have to offer religiously, so I of course jumped on this new one right away.

I’m sad to say that it’s taken me this long to realize someone should break down how to use all the products because I’ve definitely struggled with the when, how often, wet hair application or dry etc. It wasn’t until my bottle of No. 0 came in & I was googling how to use it that I thought that someone should be me.
I am not a hair professional. I am just sharing how I use the system to get the results I love so much.

Olaplex No. 0: Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment
As I mentioned, No. 0 is the newest addition to the Olaplex Hair Care System and therefore the newest to me. I’ve been faithfully using it for about a month now, which is almost a whole bottle used, and feel pretty confident with it enough to share how it has impacted my routine. Since it is now the new first step in the system, I’m starting here! No. 0 is an intensive bond building treatment is a primer for your hair and is designed to work with No. 3: Hair Perfector to intensify its effects . Like the No. 3 Hair Perfector, it works on all hair types (fine, medium, and thick) to strengthen weakened bonds deep in the strand and repair chemical, heat, and environmental damage.
Start with dry hair and saturate all the hair from root to tip with the No. 0 Intensive Bond Building Treatment. The hole in the bottle is very small which can be frustrating, especially if you have a lot of hair to soak, but allows for good control of the product and helps prevent any from being wasted. Leave it on for at least 10 minutes before moving on to step 2. I try to use this at least 1-2 times a week. I’ll be honest, it’s a hard step for me to get used to because I do not like sitting around with wet hair before a shower but it is worth it. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my ends.

Olaplex No. 3: Hair Perfector
The hair perfector is one of my favorite products and the one that I’ve been using the longest (in conjunction with the shampoo & conditioner). I consider it / use it as a mask or leave-in conditioner but it’s actually a concentrated treatment that strengthens the hair from within, reducing breakage and improving its look and feel.
1. After using No. 0, apply a generous amount to your hair and work in from root to tip so the hair is fully coated. Leave on for at least 10 minutes (I often go longer) and follow with shampoo & conditioner in the shower.
2. If you aren’t using No. 0: Wet hair thoroughly. If I don’t use the No 0, I’ll use this the night before I wash my hair and put it on after a shower so I know my hair is fully soaked. I’ll towel dry, comb and apply a generous amount of the bond perfector to my hair. I treat it as a leave in conditioner and leave it in until the next morning where I follow up with a shampoo & condition.
Olaplex No. 4: Bond Maintenance Shampoo + Olaplex No. 5: Bond Maintenance Conditioner
I’m grouping the shampoo & conditioner together because it just goes without saying that they are used together. After the hair perfector has been on for about 10 minutes (or the next day if you leave it on like me), you can shampoo & condition as normal. It has taken me a long time to properly condition my hair, but I can get away with 2, sometimes 3 washes per week.
When I shampoo I actually do the lather, rinse + repeat then condition. For the longest time I thought this was just something the brands wanted us to do to use up more product and buy more faster. I’m so embarrassed to admit that but it’s true. Around the same time I learned you aren’t supposed to wash your hair everyday, someone else nicely told me that you wash the first time to get the product and dirt off, then again to cleanse the hair. Ever since then I subscribed to a different hair regimen and have noticed the biggest difference. It’s also really great to not have to wash your hair for 2-3 days.
Using a nickel size amount, lather and massage through hair and scalp for a minute. Rinse it out and do it again. Follow with about a nickel or quarter size amount of conditioner and work through the lower portion and ends of your hair.

Olaplex No. 7: Bonding Oil
This is a relatively new to me product as well. I held off using the oil because my hair is so very thin. I was worried if I added extra oil to my hair, even on the ends, it would look greasy and dirty all the time. After reading a few reviews and hearing out several of my friends have been using it and loving it for a while, I finally decided to give it a shot. Overall I’m really happy I did. I (and my hairdresser) have noticed a big difference in the health of my hair and reduced split ends. I use it every single day but am very careful about keeping it just on my ends and the lower part of my strands and use a very conservative amount to avoid the grease ball look.
How I Use It:
After each shower/hair wash, shake out a small palm full of oil into your hands. Rub together and apply to the ends of wet, towel-dried hair. I use this every single day after I wash, co-wash or just rinse my hair in the shower.

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