Third Trimester Recap
UPDATE: Baby Reese was born 10/27 and Wes and I are so smitten. Adjusting to mom life has had its challenges but I am loving every minute of it. I didn’t know I could be so content staying at home all the time just baby watching. My heart is so full of love and joy all the time and I can’t imagine ever living another day without my sweet boy. I know I have been MIA on the blog for a while but am working on finding a balance in my routine to get back to it. I love you all and am so thankful for the love and support for the blog and baby Reese.
Wks 27-39
The Bump / Weight Gain– Slow and steady! I’m happy to say that I am on track to stay within my set range of weight gain. It has been so hard to keep it at bay lately. Wally is growing as he should and I’ve piled on baby showers, a birthday and a trip to Charleston. Needless to say with all the cake and delicious food around, I indulged a little and picked up an extra few lbs, but have been able to balance it out with lots of fruits and veggies throughout the week. At the 32-week appointment, I was measuring right on track at 32 cm.
Exhaustion – It’s baaaaackk! lol The restless and sleepless nights are constant and this mama-to be is tired all the time. Everyone keeps telling me it’s prep for when the baby comes but I think I’d rather get rested up now then be sleep deprived later. I did have a spurt of energy at week 31 when we started getting the nursery ready. Nesting got me really excited and I forgot all about the exhaustion and lack of sleep because I was so busy putting together furniture and gathering all the finishing touches for our boy.
Two Hump Camel – I cannot get enough water! This doesn’t help my already annoying number of bathroom visits at all hours of the day but I am so thirsty all the time. I also really like ice. It probably has to do with my boiling body temp right now, but crushed or pellet ice is ahhh mazing.
Heart Burn– It’s oh so real and oh so bad. I’ve had to really adjust my diet to keep this at bay because it’s so terribly uncomfortable. Nothing is worth eating if it ends in the kind of heart burn you get when you’re pregnant.
Nausea – This type of nausea is totally different than the first trimester nausea. Now, instead of feeling hungry, I get really sick and queezy and know that I have to eat. It’s very strange and took me a while to figure it out. Normal hunger pains have gone out the window.
Belly Button – I’ve always heard the saying that “once the belly button pops the baby is ready to come out” so I’ve been on the lookout for it to pop ever since I crossed into the third trimester. I’ve always had a major inny so I think it’s taking longer to come out or may not ever. Who knows?! Wes is so freaked out by it so stay tuned!
Heat Wave – As I mentioned earlier, my body temp is boiling and I am so hot all the time. My whole family says I’m freezing them out. I cannot get the air low enough and sadly have the power bill to prove it. Wes gave me a thermostat minimum of 70 and has only granted exceptions to 69 once. I’d totally have it on 68 every night if I could. It really doesn’t help that it’s still an average of 90 degrees every day and the larger I get the harder it is to handle the heat. Luckily we are starting to get into Fall and layers!
Baby Moves – Baby boy moves all. the. time. I waited so long for that first kick and flutter and now I feel every move he makes. It’s been really amazing to feel him. Now that he’s been kicking for a while and is slowly outgrowing my belly, I am starting to feel the difference between kicks, hiccups and him just rolling around. It is by far my favorite part of pregnancy and makes all the other stuff so worth it.

Our Baby Boy’s Name:
Rifton Wallace “Wally” Reese
You can read more about the name reveal here and our first baby shower here
How Far Along:
39 Weeks
somewhere close to 19 inches
size of a Tackle Box or a Spaghetti Squash
Due Date:
30 Weeks – 140 bpm
32 Weeks – 135 bpm
34 Weeks – 140 bpm
36 Weeks – 144 bpm
37 Weeks – 140 bpm
38 Weeks – 136
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