I can hardly believe the second trimester is already over! I feel like I just shared the last bumpdate with y’all like yesterday. Compared to the first trimester, this one flew by and I’m getting so nervous about getting everything done in time for little man. My primary focus right now is the nursery. I know I am way behind on this but it took me a minute to figure out exactly what I wanted the room to be and I didn’t want to jump in without being sure I was going to love it. If you’ve been following along on my instagram stories you know we’ve picked a color and gotten our rocker recovered so I’m making progress. I also ordered this crib this week and am really excited for it to come. Hopefully we will have the room painted before third trimester exhaustion sets in. Once that is checked off I’ll be able to relax a little. For now, I wanted to fill you all in on the bumpdate and let you know what’s new.

Second Trimester Recap
The second trimester was surprisingly easy. I’ve definitely felt the weight gain in the past few weeks and I can tell a big difference between the week 21 selfie and the week 26 selfie. I gained most of my weight in the first half of the second trimester (probably 15 of my 26 lbs). I’m still gaining but it has tapered off as of the last dr visit – hallelujah! Exhaustion has been minimal. I’ve been keeping up with my workout routine and am still doing all my cardio and bootcamp classes. Although I’m having great energy throughout the day, when 9:00 hits we crash hard! The only thing that has really been tough lately is sleeping. I get up anywhere from 1-3 times every night for bathroom breaks and have the hardest time falling back asleep. Around week 22 I started having back pains while sleeping and that caused a lot of restlessness. I started sleeping with a body pillow and that has really helped! As far as back pain goes, I’ve been resting easy ever since – minus the endless trips to the bathroom.Thankfully the cravings have subsided a little too. This is probably the #1 reason the weight gain has tapered off if I’m being honest. I still want all the french fries, carbs, bbq and cake but can usually ignore them long enough for them to go away. Nausea has been non-existent. I’ve been so lucky to feel 99% myself this whole time. I’ve gotten several messages on insta from you guys about boob growth. The girls are still growing and I honestly don’t know what to do with them or what to tell you. If you are experiencing steady growth in that area then I recommend all the loose and flowing tops you can find. I’ve also been asked a lot about what types of bras I’m wearing in the transition. I wear this one or this strapless one every day. All the other ones I have tried just can’t handle the girls or are just downright uncomfortable.

Current Baby Stats

21 Weeks

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

How Far Along:
26 Weeks
about 18 inches
a bunch of bananas
Due Date:
24 Weeks – 150 bpm
26 Weeks – 146 bpm

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks

yellow top – similar here // pink maxi dress – similar here // knot front dress // stripe maxi dress
[…] have great basics and dresses for special occasions. We have two weddings in October (right before due day) and I’m definitely planning on picking one from here once I get a better idea of the […]