In celebration of the first official day of Summer, I’ve rounded up 50 summer dresses under $100 that you are sure to love.

Target dress – linked similar short sleeve version | Golden Goose sneakers | YSL sunglasses
Summer is, without a doubt, my favorite season. If you’ve been following along for a while you’ve probably heard me say that I’m a summer bird and I don’t do winter. It’s true, after Christmas I shut down and hibernate until March when the Carolina weather teases me with Spring before it brings that last inevitable snow. Seriously, I get by with the bare minimum because lifeless nature and dark-colored anything isn’t inspiring to me. This is ironic, I know because today’s lewk is black and white. I value everything black brings to the table and have a good bit of it in my closet, I just don’t like it for weeks and months on end.
I could go on and on about why winter is not my favorite but you get the picture, for now, I’ll just tell you my top three reasons summer is my favorite: dresses. dresses. dresses!!! I love bright & easy dresses that are offered during the warmer months. The mega ruffles, the bold colors, and prints and the flirty hemlines are just fab. I love shopping for fun dresses so much, I’ve rounded up 50 summer dresses under $100. The list started with my top 10 faves, then grew to 25 and before I knew it I was at 50. So… happy shopping!

all photos Sunni Photography
Like this post? Be sure to check out other recent shopping posts and this post with my fave summer dress from two summers ago.
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